Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Of Bully Parents & The Future.

Its easy for someone to get bullied by their peers at school, at the playground and anywhere where parents are not there to protect their children. This is simply the most known form of bullying and it has negative effects on the bullied person.

But what about when the bully is the person who is supposed to unconditionally protect that child, instill in them a feeling of belonging, make them feel like they are the luckiest kids in the world?

What about when the bully is the parent to this kid?

Parents bullying their children is very common. Waaaaaay common than the society cares to admit. It comes in the form of aggrressive parenting.

Bullying by parents I believe comes with more serious consequences for the kid being bullied. This is because its done by someone they love and who ought to love them too.

As a child, my mother beat me up pretty much. I could do something normal for any kid like stay out past normal play time and that wld guarantee a thorough beating with a belt.

Or I would say something that would not please her and that any other person would take to be just a stupid remark and a beating would be imminent.

Most of the time it was for something so minute which could have been resolved with just a pinch but a belt was always used. When a belt was not deemed to impact the right amount of pain, blows followed.

I remember thinking my mother hated me so much but I never voiced those thoughts for fear of what would follow.

I grew up not confident enough to be a child like my fellow playmates because most of the time I was worrying about what I was supposed to do to please my mother so that she would stop beating me up.

Dont get me wrong, I lacked nothing. I wore the best clothes among my peers, had all the text books needed in school, went to the best schools and had the occasional holiday which my friends envied me about.

The beatings continued well into my college years and they had a lasting impact on me.

* I believe these beatings made me see myself as not good enough. Because no matter how hard I tried, I was never good enough.
* My self esteem was dropped so low trying to build it up is proving hard.
* Confidence issues.
* Trust issues.
* Fear.
*Intimidation. When am genuinely happy she will always find a  way to ruin it for me.

Today my mother does not beat me up but she does not believe it when she hears a theory that the above may make a person turn out to be quiet and keep their opinions to themselves and hold themselves back because of the impact from their past.

Today, we have a somewhat good relationship. She wants me to be able to tell her stuff but then she still bullies me.

Her bullying comes in different forms:
* Shouting at me for no reason at all. I will do something as insignificant as light a bulb in the kitchen for a few seconds to pick something and she wilk shout telling me how I only know how to do the wrong things because I do not know their cost.
*Putting me down infront of people. She will say something totally downgrading about me or at me or do something equally as bad.
*False accusations. These have been many. Moving something from where it was, not doing sonething blah blah.
*Selfishness and meanness. She wont let me do anything I want because she has a lame excuse. I recently asked to visit my friends for a few days but she said no because she didnt want to be home alone. Or The times I cant do anything like use my phone because she feels im not paying her enough attention.
She is down right mean at times and this terribly hurts.
* Insults. Its not once or twice or thrice that she has called me names. Iv been everything from dumb to hypocritical to things I wont mention.

I feel like im paying for the mistakes someone else committed because I have discovered that she is very angry inside. There are regrets in her that make her put me down inorder for her to feel good about herself.

I hope to be a mother one day and I will try and be my childrens best friend. I believe dialogue goes a long way in solving mistakes and making a kid see that something is wrong and should not be repeated.

I hope to raise my kids to be what I am not yet. Confident, self assured, happy  and open minded. I want my children to be normal children doing all the things normal children do without fear of a belt.

I hope one day I will be confident, independent, happy and without any pent up resentment.

I hope one day I will have a relationship with my mother where I will be genuinely thrilled to be around her, tell her stuff Bout myself without her saying something in negative about it.

For now, I am stopping trying to seek approval from her and breaking away from her.

Quote: You become what you hate so its better to just let it be and be happy.

Revolution | Tracy Chapman.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Day 5: A Song that Makes Me Want To Cry.

Already gone by Kelly Clarkson.

This was my break up song. It makes tears come to my eyes and its also like therapy, a lullaby and a sleeping pill. Its hard to not listen to it coz its one of those songs.

I listen to it when my heart is heavy, laden with hurt and emotions. It helps me unload all these pent up feelings and I can say it helps keep my sanity in check.

Quote: A journey of a thousand steps starts with one step.

Already gone | Kelly clarkson


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Day 4: My Definition Of Love.

To love and be loved is the most amazing thing in the world. Its a feeling like no other that can make you break all the rules just to feel it.
Love never fails. It will always find a way to make it happen. No matter what the situation or the environment, it will find a way.

Love is when you find peace seeing another person happy. Giving is love. Caring is love. You cannot care about someone if you do not love them.

Love is random. You cannot plan on when to feel love or fall in love. Thats just not how it works. Love just happens.

Love is cultivated. It does not just sprout. It takes time to happen.

Love is a sacrifice. When you can comfortably sacrifice something for a person without feeling like you're giving it up for nothing, that right there is love.

Love is patient, it waits. Love is kind, it shares. Love is gentle, it softens.

Love is when you can be comfortable being yourself with another person. If someone makes you want to pretend to be something or someobe you are not, then love is totally lacking there.

Love is not lust.
Love is not selfish.
Love does not rush, it crawls.
Love does not give up, it perseveres and pushes on until something happens.
Love is liberating.
Love is understanding.
Love is knowing when to stop.
Love is amazing when its right.

Quote: Love is Gods ultimate gift to humankind.

PDA | John Legend


Sunday, 20 July 2014

Day 3: About My Family.

I have to admit I have the most awesome and the most dysfunctional family ever but we all love each other. We come together everyother time and those are happy times.

I have not always been very close to my family but we are working on it and the lsat few months have been great and epiiiiiic!!!

I cannot not say how supportive my family is. They are some of the most successful and pushy people in a good way and they make me want to be better and stop being selfish and on relax mode (lazy in other words) and stop being scared of taking risks.

They might not understand some of the decisions I make but in the end, whether it works out or fails, they are there for me.

Alot has been said about us but I have not met more ambitious, hardworking, fun, and wonderful people like my family.

We may not always be there for reasons I best like to keep for myself but we are there for each other when it matters.

Quote: Be with the people who make you feel good about yourself not those who make you feel like crap.

Family Potrait | Pink


Friday, 18 July 2014

My Ideal Man.

Its hard to keep your standards when dating. They have to be updated every other time.
Its good to be flexible while dating otherwise Mr. Right might slip by in the name of 'he is not my type'.

There are those special things or characteristics we all look for in a partner. Here goes mine.

1, His personality - I find someones personality to be the main thing I will look for in a man im hoping to date. How a person behaves with or towards other people is vital. How he treats other people too is vital. Small things count and they should not be overlooked.

2, Intelligence - He might be tall, dark & handsome but dumb. Id rather my man is ugly and intelligent. I love someone I can have a meaningful conversation with.

3, Ambition - When I date someone, I like to know what their short and long term goals are. These will show me just how hardworking and driven this person is. I dont want a man who will just lie on the couch because he cant find the job he wants. I want a man who will hustle while waiting.

4, His Friends - I like to know what kind of friends the man I want to date keeps. As they say, ' Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are'. A persons friends say alot about that person. If all his friends are womanisers, what will make him different? Why would he tolerate them knowing they aint good for his image?

5, I seem to lean towards the lighter skinned Nd chubby men. This is something I cant explain. Though I am dating a dark and less chubby man because he is all that....

6, Temper- If a man has a short temper, I dont want to be the one to tame it.

7, Sense of Humour - What is a person without a sense of humour? Seriously, a man who wont laugh at even the most hilarious of jokes is a no no for me. I love someone who can make me laugh and i cn reciprocate.

8, Level of Education - A person with a low level of education does not appeal to me. Why would I date a high school drop out? Hell no!!! See point number 2.

9, Maturity Level - I love mature men. My man is a few years younger than I, but very mature. Thats actually what attracted me to him first. I hate baby sitting a man and I avoid that at all cost.

10, Respobsible - A man who is not responsible while you are dating will never be responsible. Thats the kind of man who will impregnate you and run for the hills. Beware.

Those are just a few qualities. What do you look for in a potential partner? Please share in the comment section.

Quote: hustle while you wait.

Stay with me | Sam Smith.


Day 2: Letter To Your Ex.

Dear AC,

I think this is me explaining why I walked out of the relationship we had.
I know you have questions and all to ask and say to me so let me talk and say why.
We knew each other way back in primary school and we were actually good friends. That must be what led to us getting together once we met years later. At that time you had a girlfriend which ddnt keep you from pursuing me.
So reason one why I ddnt wait for it to work out is that you would still have cheated me. I cant prove that but its hard for old habits to die. I wasnt ready to be with someone who would go sleeping around. Not safe for me at all.

Reason two is that I value me and the idea of having to take morning after pills everyother time We had sex just coz you didnt like condoms didnt go well with me. There are risks of not just pregnancy but diseases too. I chose to protect myself. For me, it all goes down  to respect. You had none for me.

Reason three is that much as I tried to fall in love, it didnt happen. I tried but the cons outweighed the pros so I quit.

Reason four you are skinny & Without any sense of fashion. I didnt like it that you didnt even try putting any effort in what you wore. Dress your body. Not an overweight persons body.

Reason five... You were offered a scholarship for masters, everything paid and you turned it down. Reason, your degree is enough, youd rather stay home than advance in your studies. I value education. Alot and I plan to go on with it until i die. I want to be a scholar and someone who would understand my reasons for that is what I want.

Reason six.. You kept putting me down. Everything for you was an excuse to bring me down. I will never entertain anyone who will thrive on making me feel bad about myself. Im no ones punching bag.

Those are the main reasons why I couldnt stand being around you. Your values and mine contradict so much that I just wasnt happy. And I wasnt prepared to sacrifice evrything for you. The reasons might be lame to you but those are it for me.
I hope you find someone whose patience will be much. I have too little patience. Im sorry I hurt your feelings but life is too short to be in a relationship which doesnt feel right.
Goodbye A.

Quote: Life is too short to be miserable.

Bang Bang | Nancy Sinatra.


Day 1: Five Interesting Facts About Myself.

I came across this challenge a while back on a blog I loved reading but has since been removed by the owner. Its a thirty day challenge that will help me know myself more, discover new stuff about myself and help me keep posting.

So here goes interesting facts about me:

1, I have an obsession with chubby people. Note I said chubby not fat. There is a difference. And whereas many ladies go for muscular men, i go for chubby, with a nice cute ass and some meat on their bones. I do not discriminate against skinny but Im not a big fan.

2, I am a foodie. I eat alot, thankfully, my body is alright with that. I eat everyother time. And I love cooking too so that I cn eat.

3, I have already picked out my future baby's names. I plan on having four kids: two girls and two boys.

4, I am a big fan of gay people. I believe they do not choose to be gay coz its hard having to be targeted for hatred and all that homophobic people do to them... Funny that i do not have any gay friends. Iv not met any.

5, I dont think I have fallen in love yet. There have been times I thought I was in love but then its so easy to get away that I doubt I was ever in love. I might be right now, and im hoping it works out and maybe im not. Hard to say.

There goes me. Thats what I came up with.

Quote: Live like you will not die.

Royals | Lorde.


Thursday, 17 July 2014

About Me.

There's not much you see when u see me first apart from the girl next door who is shy and quiet.
My friends will testify this is not true. And yes, first looks are deceiving.
I love writing. Its my best form of therapy, beats even eating. Its how I best express myself coz when i have to speak and explain myself, words escape me and im left speechless.
I love being in a crowd, means il not be the centre of attraction.
I can cook and eat too!!! Hahaha. I would say am a foodie and totally not ashamed of it.
Reading too is one of my favorite things to do and im a sucker (this word #sigh) for a good book and anything thats well written.
My imagination does get a little wild though what I would be without it, I cant tell. Its my safety zone and I can get lost in it for hours at a time.
Some people will hate me for this but calm your wits people, Maya here does not give a hoot what u think abt her except if u think am awesome, carry on!!!

I love ass. Im attracted to dudes who have nice asses oppossed to those who have flat ass. I love plump people. Anyone with some meat on their bones, thats my person!!! Lol that came out wrong....hahaha.
I hope u people will enjoy my blog, i will write about my musings, anything coz its my blog to start with!!!
See u around good people!!!

Quote: Love yourself... No one will fall in love with you when u havent already fallen for yourself!!!

Good Kisser | Usher.
