Thursday, 8 January 2015

Because I'm UnHappy...

I know I should walk away now that I have the chance but my body wants to stay even though my heart is mad and wants to leave...

I just wish I had never gone on this adventure with this stranger but my heart saw and liked and I wanted different and he was different...

But then where is our future together if he is already taken by someone else? Somehow my mind reasons that if I stay it will not change anything and I will have fun and not get attached now I know he has a girl.....

Knowing me, I will get attached and it will be harder to walk away after that so I tell myself that I should walk now that I know its early and it will be easier to forget him....

Then the questions start and I can't stop asking myself why I was such a fool not to see he was too good to be true...

I don't know how to answer his questions anymore
Or how to talk to him without crying
Or whether to believe him when he says he knows it will work out so I just give him time....

I hate this feeling of confusion in me yet what can I do? What can I say? How should I react?

I know I should walk awAy now I know he is taken but my body says to stay and somehow though my heart is in pain and wants to leave but its fighting for him too...

But what if in the end im left alone and he is with her and I will be broken to pieces left to mend a heart that might not want to heal..?..

I know I should walk awAy but his words tell me I should stay.....

Should I stay?
Should I walk?
Because karma is a bitch?

Quote: Worry about loving yourself and not loving the idea of other people loving you.

Walk Away | Kelly Clarkson
Walk AwAy | Paula Deanda


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