Monday, 30 March 2015

Perfectly Imperfect.

As time passes and I grow older I have come to love and accept myself a little more than I did in my teens or early twenties.
I didn't realise that I was beautiful so I branded myself ugly and that soured my relationship with myself alot.
Its been a long tiring and enlightening journey into loving myself and loving my appearance. I may not have the smoothest spot free face, the whitest and straightest teeth, the perfect body or the most beautiful toenails (God knows that I still struggle with my toenails coz I still chuck them) but I have a beautiful face, an amazing smile that I have come to love and covet as my best asset, a body that many envy, beautiful nails on my fingers and I do not need to pull a vera  sidika because Im light skinned naturally and I have come to accept that too.
I celebrate myself for the far that I have come and Thank God for the far He has brought me and the journey ahead.
I am flawed
I make mistakes
And Im a bitch sometimes
But then Im beautifully flawed and broken,
Stitched together with good intentions.
Im by no means faultless, no one is
But I have learnt to embrace faults and flaws
To rise above my imperfections
To be me
To love myself
To know that even the world is not perfect bit in its imperfections, that's where we find its beauty.
Im broken
Im a beautiful disaster
Perfectly Imperfect
And that's just me
Who I am
Who I will always be.

Quote: Maybe there is something you are afraid to do or somewhere you are afraid to go or someone you are afraid to love. Its gonna hurt. Its gonna hurt because it matters.
--John Green.

Try | Pink


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

I Fooled Myself.

Because back then when I loved you
Waking up to your face
The smell of you the only air in the room
I loved you
But now Im torn
Rejection the only feeling I know
You smiled at me and I fooled myself
You kissed me and I melted down
You held me and I fell for you
You "Loved" me and I loved you more
And then you said to jump
You would catch me
I fooled myself
And I jumped
And broke
Mingling with the dust
The sound of your laughter ringing in my ears
And I knew that this all was a game
To you
I fooled myself into loving you
I was just a girl looking to love and be loved
Yet you,
You lied, You fooled me.

Quote: Your first kiss was your kiss goodbye - You give love a bad name.
.... Bon Jovi.

You Give Love A Bad Name | Bon Jovi.


Ps: Up by Oly Murs is on repeat coz I can't stop loving it!! Have a listen you'll be amazed...

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Words on Skin.

He tells me the story of his love for me
With his fingers and lips
Writing a love letter on my skin
In places a pen would never write
But his fingers and lips easily do
I try to match his writing on his skin with my own
My words are incomplete
Because as he writes his story,
Im reading it
And I've never been good at multitasking
So I let him write first
His fingers going first
Followed by his lips
Every letter he writes makes me squirm
I moan because of the tenderness with which he writes
I don't want him to stop
I ache for him to change his pen
I know a paper where it can write beautifully
Words which we will read together
Its like he reads my thoughts
Coz then I feel his fingers give way to his lips
And his lips give way to the right pen
And as the pen moves on writing this beautiful love letter of his to me,
I move with it
Reading every word
Drowning in the words' sweetness
Honey has nothing on this mans words
Im lost in his words,
Reading a little too fast now
Almost getting to the end of this lovely letter
I cry out when he writes too fast
Pressing his pen to the paper a little too much
His words become short
Written in quick succession
The end lurking nearby
Waiting for my next move
Torturing me
I hate coming to the end of his love letters
But when he presses his pen onto the paper one more time and just holds it there,
I know its the end
I shatter, loving how his letters end
His fingers sign out,
Leaving my skin all sensitive
Full of his unspoken words
I tremble as he lifts his pen off the paper
Still lost in his words
Falling for him a little more than before....

Quote: If sex is the question, then the answer is yes.

Thinking Out Loud | Ed Sheeran.
